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  Home > Junior/Baby Spares

Magneto SparesMagneto Spares

carburettor tickler
carburettor ticklercarburettor tickler for vintage twin barrel carburettor ( barrel has both bores the same size)£20.00
Carburretor locking bolt 1/4 thread
Carburretor locking bolt 1/4 threadCarburretor locking bolt 1/4 thread whit x 41/64 under shoulder with square head and screw driver slot£2.87
Casting Junior Exhaust
Casting Junior ExhaustCasting Junior Exhaust.
Casting Junior Front Mudguard Stand clip
Casting Junior Front Mudguard Stand clipCasting Junior Front Mudguard Stand clip, also used on some veterans,
Bronze cast
casting junior magento platform
casting junior magento platformcasting junior magento platform cast in Aluminium unmachined£18.40
Casting Junior Magneto Timing cover back casting
Casting Junior Magneto Timing cover back casting
casting Junior rear stand set of 4
casting Junior rear stand set of 4casting Junior rear stand set of 4 as per photo£46.00
casting rear stay  ends No D
casting rear stay ends No D

casting rear stay  ends casting

2 cast needed per rear stays

Sold as 1 casting 1 top lug and 1` bottom lug

can be used in most model to make the stays from

Chain 1/2 x 1/8 for Magneto sold buy 300mm/ 1 foot
Chain 1/2 x 1/8 for Magneto sold buy 300mm/ 1 footChain timing 1/2 x 1/8
sold buy 300mm/ 1 foot
SD/Ricardo/H 46 links need  2 feet needed
SD/Ricardo Dyno 48 links 3 feet needed
Model P 44 link 2 feet needed
Chain Link 1/2 x 1/8
Chain Link 1/2 x 1/8Chain Link 1/2 x 1/8
1 connector
Champion Spark Plug 6 COM
Champion Spark Plug 6 COMChampion Spark Plug 6 COM new old stock

once their gone their gone

I used one of these plug in 2018 on the cannonball run for 3500 mile and had no problem with them fouling they run better on unleaded then champion 7 as they are a bit hotter then a 7
Control lever single
Control lever singleControl lever single
unplated used to Advance Magento
Control lever twin
Control lever twin £172.50
Cover for timing chain on Junior
Cover for timing chain on JuniorCover for timing chain on Junior hand made.£80.50
Fuel Cap 1 5/8 brass
Fuel Cap 1 5/8 brassFuel Cap 1 5/8 brass stamped Rotherhams Coventry.
Ready to plate.
Bayonet clip on cap.

Spring inside is slightly larger than some originals and can prevent the cap from closing.
Spring can be easily modified to fit. Otherwise it can be loose on repro tanks.
Cut off 2 - 4 mm of spring, Heat up till red the end of spring and push flat, Grind flat and Use.
Handle bars Junior
Handle bars JuniorHandle bars Junior 7/8 Bars ~22inch across bars£50.60
Handle bars Veterans late 1913 (early baby)
Handle bars Veterans late 1913 (early baby)Handle bars Veterans 7/8 bars 22 inch across approx£50.60
Manual 1915 Junior Triumph spares
Manual 1915 Junior Triumph sparesManual 1915 Junior Triumph spares£11.50
Nut 1/4 whit
Nut 1/4 whitNut 1/4 whit.
Nut 1/4 whit x 1/4 wide x 1/2 hex
used on seats and other parts of bike.
Nut 3/8 x  0.280 wide domed head
Nut 3/8 x 0.280 wide domed headNut 3/8 x 0.280 wide 0.6 thou hex for veteran frame bolts mainly.£3.45

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